Page name: The Barracks Commons [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-16 00:18:43
Last author: Darian Hawke
Owner: M. P. Ness
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The Barracks Commons: Where you mingle...

You enter through the oaken door and walk into a small foyer. To your left is the balcony containing two small sofas and ten typical reading chairs, all with cushions of blue leather.

The Garden-view balcony is approximately 20x30 feet, its roof and lattice-walls thick with green-ivy. The balcony's view of the Vangaard gardens and the slightly further Glen of Heroes stirs the heart of even the toughest knight.

To the right is an indoor area identical to the size of the balcony, and set up in the same way as well. The only difference (other then the ivy) are the rich tapestries and paintings that hang from the walls and two full suits of armor standing vigilantly by the fireplace.
Above the marble mantle are two huge crisscrossed battle-axes.

Also this area serves as the castle library. Half a dozen bookshelves are crammed with books of all sorts.

This is where the occupants of the barracks can sit and relax. Chat amongst themselves or simply read or doze in peace.


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2007-02-04 [M. P. Ness]: * He emerged into the commons hall, glancing either way as he paused in his doorway.
The place was dark as can be, aside from a beaming, wide shaft of moonlight come pouring into the hall immediately to his right. and all was silent.
He only prayed the kitchen was still open...that he might get something real to eat.
Thus, he slipped out of his chamber, closing the door silently and slowly at his back as he spotted a large oaken door beyond the moonbeams...
Glancing down the dark end of the hall once more to make sure this door was the right one, Shalon eventually passed through the moonlight as a white shadow, casting a black one on the floor, and through the oaken barrier he slipped in the same quiet manner to find stairs running down.
*~Odd,~* he thought....
*~I don't remember climbing any stairs~*
but, hunger gnawed at him, and so, he descended, luckily into the great hall.

2007-02-05 [M. P. Ness]: *After returning from his late night meal...the first he'd had since slumbering upon arrival several days ago... the now rejuvinated Shalon climbed the stairs and passed into the barracks hall, but rather than return to his room as planned, he turned left out onto the moon-drenched balcony with ivy-grown walls...bearing his glass of water along for the ride...
He could smell the vegetation of the gardens below, and the cool feel of the ivy-shade left him feeling quite relaxed and peaceful for the first time in how long, he couldn't even remember...
Thus, he passed, out into the balcony's wide room, and came to rest his cup upon the thick railing as he overlooked the gardens and the hero's glen beyond, to both of which he'd not been as of fact, this was his first look upon either of them, and he found it quiet and quaint despite the size of it all...
He sighed contentedly in the night's cool breeze and decided he'd stay here for a time upon the balcony. He verywell could have been decided then and there, to stay here in Vangaard forever. So far, at least, he knew nothing more than the embarrassment(dwindling to memory as he grew comfortable with his surroundings), and this newfound peace and relaxation.
Thus, he made a mental note to speak with the Lord Darian next time he saw him. He just didn't know what service the Lord might ask of him. Sure, Shalon could afford to offer his swords as service, and they would be plenty, he knew. But, he liked peace. He did not relish harming anyone, not even the foul creatures that surely walked the lands here as well as from his homeland.
He'd been a teacher, a master of his own school back in his home, back before the end of that part of his tale. maybe the Lord Hawke here in Vangaard might see fit to listen to a request, not to be put into battle unless it was absolutely necessary. Maybe he'd listen to a request, only to teach the arts of peace, and the skills of the sword to those whom came to answer the call of Vangaard.
*Shalon could only speculate on these things for a time. Afterall, he had nothing else to do with his time. but, eventually, he tired of standing there, so he left his glass there on the railing as he turned about and silently slipped back to his room to fetch his grande thinblade...

2007-02-05 [M. P. Ness]:
 *~He'd only slipped into his room for a moment, leaving his door ajar as he fetched his thinblade, fastening its interesting harness about his body, that it might hang comfortably and naturally in a semi-lateral fashion at the low of his back, long 2.5 feet of handle at his left, out beyond his shoulder by far, above and beyond the handle of his rapier at his hip...
Then, he slipped out again, closing the barrier quietly, so as not to wake anyone else in the hall...
Thus, he returned to the garden-view balcony's comfortable silence and cool night-lighted breeze, and he reached the thick railing with an effortless, nimble hop, alighting upon it fluidly to there seat himself crosslegged upon one of the broad posts beside his glass of water...
And there he would be, watching the peaceful scene below until well after dawn when the gardener and his assistants emerged to begin their early work...

2007-02-06 [Synsae]: Being done with his archery for the day, Kael returned to the Barrack Commons and walked onto the balcony to view the garden below

2007-02-06 [Chrysilla]: Sofia raised her eyes from the page, thinking she would need a break. Reading ancient books of magic was usually tiring, as the magic was giving a kind of life to the words, that were moving and dancing on the page. The ancient alphabet wasn't easing the reading.
She closed the book and went on the balcony to breathe some fresh air.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she had a little startle at the sound of the door opening, but she didn't look behind her.

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